
 "Advance Australia fair”           前进,美丽的澳大利亚
Australians all let us rejoice                          全澳大利亚人,让我们快乐吧!
For we are young and free                             因为我们年青而自由
We've golden soil and wealth for toil,           我们有金色的土壤和劳动可以创造的财富
Our home is girt by sea:                                 海洋环绕着我们的家园
Our land abounds in nature's gifts                 我们的土地饱含自然的恩赐
Of beauty rich and rare,                                 美丽,富饶而独特
In history's page let every stage                     在历史的每个阶段
Advance Australia fair,                                  都让美丽的澳大利亚前进
In joyful strains then let us sing                     让我们快乐地歌唱
Advance Australia fair.                                  前进,美丽的澳大利亚

Beneath our radiant Southern Cross,              在熠熠生辉的南十字星下
We'll toil with hearts and hands,                     我们用心和双手勤奋劳作
To make this Commonwealth of ours             让我们的联邦
Renowned of all the lands,                              在地球上闻名于世
For those who've come across the seas           让哪些飘洋过海的人们
We've boundless plains to share,                    可以分享无边无界的平原
With courage let us all combine                      鼓足勇气,让我们团结一致   
To advance Australia fair.                               推动美丽的澳大利亚前进
In joyful strains then let us sing,                      让我们快乐地歌唱
Advance Australia fair.                                    前进,美丽的澳大利亚!

转自 http://blog.ifeng.com/article/2971636.html


