本联盟发給各國中文媒體的信 (英文版 English)

Press release
10 February 2017

Objection to the performance of the Red Detachment of Women Ballet in Melbourne

At the invitation of the Victoria Premier, Hon. Andrews, the Chinese Opera Ballet will perform The Red Detachment of Women in the Melbourne’s Asia TOPA as from 15 February, for 4 sessions.

According to the late Marshal Ye, the 10 years of the Chinese Cultural Revolution had caused the death of 20 million people; over 400,000 were artists and intelligentsia, including 177 considered as national masters; and close to 100 million people were persecuted. If their families and friends were counted, very few in China were spared in this dreadful disaster.

Over these 10 years, all forms of traditional stage performance were banned except for eight Model Operas, which were directed by Mao Zedong and produced by his wife Jiang Qing. The “Red” Ballet is one of these eight.

By and large, the “Red” Ballet intends to deceive. Hidden in the noble form of ballet, and sheltered by music and choreography, it aims to diffuse and hide from its main theme of agitating revenge, inciting violence and praising brutal killing as laudable acts.

Its advertising slogan - “Kill the landlords, Share their lands and Capture Nan Batian”- fully reflects its real nature of inciting violence and provoking class hatred.

The Western world is on the brink of being culturally infiltrated by the Chinese Communist by four steps, namely, exchange, infiltration, control and occupation. The “Red” Ballet comes to Australia with a mission and it is an insult to the Asia TOPA Festival; as what it presents are contrary to the core Australian values.

Since 4 October 2016, AVA has made many attempts to appeal to the Premier and other MPs, to point out the contradiction of allowing the “Red” Ballet to be performed in our prestige theatre and its equivalence of having ISIS to showcase their work in Melbourne, and the inappropriateness with regards to Australian values. We asked them to rectify this and stop the “Red” Ballet.

Regrettably, as on today, all our efforts are of no avail as we only received token responses by the Cabinet office that led us to nowhere. The Melbourne Arts Centre has chosen not to respond.

As such, AVA has decided to hold a protest rally at the Melbourne Arts Centre from 6:00 to 7:30 pm on Wednesday, 15 February to disclose the real colour of the Red Ballet and to voice our objection to the performance.

